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Primary Advisor - Chris Teague

Sorority & Fraternity Life 

HI EVERYONE!!! I'm Christian and I serve as the Sorority and Fraternity Life advisor for the Texas Asian Pan-Hellenic Council. I'm a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and I have been in this role since 2022. My hobbies include being a "gym-rat" and creating AMAZING music outside of work hours. I'm super excited to be advising this council. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Graduate Assistant - D'Angelo Colter

Sorority & Fraternity Life 

HI EVERYONE!!! I'm D'Angelo and I serve as the Sorority and Fraternity Life advisor for the Texas Asian Pan-Hellenic Council. I'm a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and I have been in this role since 2022. My hobbies include being a "gym-rat" and creating AMAZING music outside of work hours. I'm super excited to be advising this council. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.


President - Kevin Yu

Senior | Computational Biology | Omega Phi Gamma | Spring '22

Hi everyone! My name is Kevin Yu and I'm from Dallas, Texas yeehaw! I'm your president for TAPC this year, and I'm in charge of overlooking all duties between TAPC and SFL and managing our executive board! Some of my hobbies are raving and owning a massive fish tank! Feel free to reach out to me for anything.


VP Sergeant of Arms - Ashlyn Huynh

Junior | Public Health | Kappa Phi Lambda | Spring '23

Hello! My name is Ashlyn Huynh and I am from Mansfield, TX. As VP Sergeant at Arms, I am the right-hand man to the President, and I oversee the judicial board and TAPC events such as GSP. I handle any conflicts that may arise between any of the organizations under TAPC. I love getting boba, going to concerts, and meeting new people! Please contact me if you have any concerns, or questions, or just want to talk!


VP Finance - Juyoung Kim

Junior | Management Informations System | Gamma Beta | Spring '23

Hey y'all, my name is Juyoung Kim and I’m from the Cypress area of Houston, TX. As Vice President of Finance, my role is to budget expenses for TAPC events, collect dues, and make sure our council is in good standing financially. If you have any questions at all (even personal ones!), feel free to reach out to me.


VP Public Relations - Deeangel Trinh

Senior | Public Health | alpha Kappa Delta Phi | Fall '21

Hai! My name is Deeangel and I’m from Houston, TX. As VP of Public Relations, I run all of TAPC’s social media sites including the website as well– everything from designing graphics to publishing content for our chapter organizations! In my free time, I enjoy doing art, playing instruments, sports, editing, cooking, baking, etc.! If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything, please reach out to me :)


VP Risk Management - Jennifer Vu

Sophomore | Radio Television Film and English | Sigma Phi Omega | Fall '22

Hello! My name is Jennifer Vu and I’m from Dallas, TX! I’m serving as Vice President of Risk Management for this year. Some of my duties include facilitating discussion and change regarding the Constitution & By-laws, ensuring that they stay up to date on the website, and making sure all TAPC organizations are on good terms with one another. In my free time I love to watch movies, try new restaurants, and bake! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out!


VP Administration - Raymond Vu

Sophomore | Economics | Lambda Phi Epsilon, Spring '23

Hello! My name is Raymond and I’m from Round Rock, TX. For 2024, I will be serving as VP of Administration. I am in charge of all of the administrative tasks which include taking meeting minutes, collecting attendance, as well as keeping the master sheet updated. I am also in charge of facilitating our council’s rush period every semester. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about any points/notes/administrative tasks, or just want to talk! I love meeting new people so feel free to talk to me about volleyball, music, photography, etc!


VP Service - Tim Lai

Sophomore | Economics | Lambda Phi Epsilon, Spring '23

Hello! My name is Tim Lai and I’m from San Antonio, TX. For 2024, I will be serving as VP of Service. I am in charge of all of the service events which include Philanthropy Week, and the Asian Cultural Expo. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about any points/notes/administrative tasks, or just want to talk! I am an ENFJ who loves meeting new people, trying new foods, and traveling.

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